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Bichon Puppies?

19 15:12:03

Our mother wants to get a little Bichon Frise (BF).  I want her to get a puppy, having heard that (BF)'s are very mild tempered and easy to train.  

My brother, on the other hand, has recently acquired a Springer Spaniel puppy, and says it's been nothing but a nightmare.  Springers are known to be rambunctious and suffers from separation anxiety. It cries a lot, and chews everything when left unattended.  My brother, therefore, is trying to talk my mom into getting an older (BF).  

What do you think?  Are the BF's are easier to train?  Will my mom have such difficulty with a BF pup?


Hello Brian
Alot will depend on the type of breeder you use to breed the pup you want.
Unsocialised pups are invariably problematic and many come from homes of show breeders equally as with farmed dogs, they have very little human interaction.Always assess the breeder and make sure they understand the needs both mentally and physically of a pup.

Bichons can be stubborn and they will behave like terriers , you need to be gentle, caring, decisive, assertive but NOT cruel or hard.
To fully understand this breed please feel free to join my website and read what other owners say.