Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > bathing my dog

bathing my dog

19 15:17:28

I have a 2 yr old dog...3/4 bichon and 1/4 terrier...I am using a special shampoo called Cortisoothe, which is an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory shampoo. I purchased this after attempting to use 2 other shampoos for sensitive skin. It seemed to work fine...however, I bathed him this Saturday (today being Monday) and he has been scratching and hiding in his kennel ever since. He usually only goes into the kennel during the day time when he doesn't feel well. I've just called the vet to get a prednisone and anti inflammatory medication, which helped him last time this happened.
Can you suggest something to shampoo him with in the future? Are bichons known to have sensitive skin? I'm wondering if there is a home made product that would be gentle baking soda or something?

Hopefully you rinsed the dog very very well after the shampoo.  If you left shampoo residue on the dog this can cause problems.  Just try a good dog shampoo they sell at pet stores.  Also how often are you bathing?  Unless he is very dirty once every coulple of weeks is enough.  Hopefully there are no flea problems.  Bichons are ligh skinned and highly allergic to fleas.