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bichon frisee / spinal operation and glucosamine

19 15:12:30

My 9 year old bichon just had a costly spinal operation where they took out a ruptured disc.  i imagine she'll be having problems for the rest of her life in that area and i use glucosamine and it helps me so much - she is approximately 16-18 pounds - how many mg should i give her per day?  (my tablets are 500 mg and i could squish them into her food - half it - quarter it - whatever it needs) and do you think this is good to give her?  she has had many problems in the past with crystals in her urine and she had bladder stones as a we have to be careful...

I would advise >1000mg glucosamine/500mg chondratin
cranberry tablets daily, omega 3,6,0 , flax seed oil and try hydrotherapy on a weekly basis.
for more info feel free to log into my health site

we have specific areas dedicated to these issues.