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depressed bichon

19 15:09:19

My 8 month old male bichon has recently had his hair cut very short and since then he seems to of become depressed.  He hides under any any enclosed space he can find and refuses to come out, when we we do try to get him out he goes to bite us which is definitely out of character as before this he was a very friendly dog.  He also refuses to eat and is terrified of everyone and everything.  Please can someone give me some advice as I am becoming very worried about him.

Hi sadly this happens all to often, why was he cut so short, was he matted ?

Suggest placing treats outside his crate to encourage him then massage his body all over using some nice olive oil, over the next few weeks he will regain his trust for you as his guard hairs grow.
Lots of TLC , gentle interaction and soft voices will help restore him to his former self. he just feels vulnerable. He may also be feeling cold, place a nice soft warm coat on him.