Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > Why would anyone want a Bichon?

Why would anyone want a Bichon?

19 15:17:24

After much internet research and finding a reputable breeder, we have chosen a made a deposit on a Bichon puppy.  We fit all the criteria a Bichon needs-- a person at home all day, experience training dogs, older children, etc. But after reading your answers I am ready to get my deposit back.  Are these dogs really such destructive, nasty, untrainable creatures?  Please let me know before we make a huge mistake.

If your home during the day and get the puppy out every couple of hours you have a better chance of housebreaking the dog.  Also reputable breeders do not place puppies before 12 weeks of age.  Make sure the parents are multi generation OFA & CERF clear.  ASk to see the certifications.

Puppies from reputable breeders are never Nasty, they have very loving in your face temperments.  they do demand a lot of attention.