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Scratching and Biting

19 15:17:45

Hi have a Bichoodle,
What can I buy that might stop her from scratching and biting..........she does not
have fleas, already checked.....she might have allergies.......she's scratching & rubbin' her eyes at times, and I think she's allergic to grass after 8 years ?........since the new growth this spring she doesn't want to go on and if she does not for can you recommend a good oil, what about cod-liver oil ? That I can try or is there pills for allergies for dogs ? Thank You  

You must ask your vet about medications for your dog, it may be expensive now but is you let it get very bad it will be even more expensive, not to mention your dog will be scratching herself raw. It is possible to develop allergies at an older age. I would recommend bathing her once a week in a soothing shampoo with aloe vera or oatmeal to soothe her skin.
That is all I can help you with.