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Information needed on my Bichon Frise

19 15:09:29

Okay i have A LOT of questions about my puppy.. I am a brand new owner of a 9 week old Bichon Frise.
I love him to pieces except when he chews on absolutely EVERYTHING. Including the shoes on my feet.. We have a rope toy for him which he really enjoys. But most of the time he prefers to chew on everything else..I understand that he's teething but is there a better way to relieve his teething process and get him out of the habit of chewing on everything?

Also he is VERY  dependent i can't leave him alone for 2 seconds without him whining.. I want to try and kennel train him but i can't find it in my heart to leave him caged up. Me and my boyfriend started putting him in the kennel for punishment. But we only leave him in there for 2 minutes or so. I need help on how to train him to get out of that.

And about his food.. He's on dried food right now. Is it possible that wet food may be better  for him ?

Thank  you !

Hi Cherlin
Unfortunatley you are approaching owning a new pup in the wrong manner.Separation anxiety is the cause of the whining and should be addressed through crate training which ordinarily will take just a few days.I have added a full article on this previously but if you cant find it please go to my site or for that article.
Regarding the biting issue this is only a few days old on this site but once again can also be found on my site

Food I do not recommend dried foods for bichons , they fair far better on a more natural diet.