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cataract surgery in my 5 yr. old Bichon Frise

19 15:16:40

Our 5 yr. old spayed female has an advanced cateract in the right eye and a
haze in the left. Seeing that Bichon's often have retinal detachment after surgery
is there an alternative treatment ( eye drops???) or another kind of treatment to
keep her from losing her sight? What is your professional advice.

Aw ,my poor girl I have one that has bilateral cateracts so I know the heartache you feel, I too have cried at the thoughts of sight loss of my show dog . Now this is what I did that actually has had some effect.
In his left eye he had two points of issue in his right he had lots. I started him on a spinach diet and high lutein diet with supplements. I bought a dehydrator ad started to wilt 2lbs of spinach daily then dehydrate to enable me to dry it and then make into a powder he got this every day for one year. esults so far after 1 yr his right eye is totally clear his left eye has ot grown at all. He continues with this diet now and I hope his progress will continue. I think he is the ONLY bichon worldwide doing this.
I would also give him drops daily and high lutein tablets they work in humans and so far have appeared to do him some good .Also look at these drops , anything is better before surgery

Always give your dog high lutein in the diet

if you wanna chat pm me on my health site

good luck little one