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Bichon Frise - Loss of appetite

19 15:16:40

We have just shfited to a nearby house. Since then, my dog has not been eating and always stay alone unlike her usual self who is very playful. We wanted to take her to the Vet last weekend but strangely that day she was extremly happy & active but few days later isolating herself again. Please advise. Thank you.

Hi this is expected and it will take upwards of two months to get her feeling safe and secure again. Dont forget that we as humans know what is going on but a dog is simply moved to a new den, I would give her a vit b supplement ad walk with her about the new property talking with her, playing with her and give her lots of cuddles. Use a old sweaty sock. fill it with dried food or dried meat and play with her . This should encourage her to become involved in her new home.

This behaviour is normal so dont fret and play with her in the different rooms , give her freedom to explore , she may scent and poop in the room whatever you do DONT shout simply remove it and place outside. She needs to feel safe again and she will.

good luck