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1 year old bichons

19 15:12:08

i have two bichons a male and female. they are with us over a year now. recently the female bichon has started to sneak on to our bed and pees/ poos if i turn my back for one minute. she is normally very clean and scratches the back door to let us know she needs to go to the toilet. I am just 4 months pregnant and have not allowed the dogs on our bed for the last 3-4 months, before that they would lie on the bed with me if i was watching tv but always with me and would then go to their baskets at bed time. i cant allow them on the bed now  , is she angry about this?

THis is all to do with you being pregnant, these dogs are very clever and feel they are being pushed out, as such they react, its very common for a dog or bitch to do this, it is not an insult . Many owners do not understand the manner by which dogs toilet, its a form  of protection , you are part of the litter, she is saying stay away frm my best frined who is with litter.
This all may sound daft to you but you to her are just an extension of the pack and I do not see you as Alpha , she is.

Look on this as a compliment and simply comfort her , if you would like more info about why this happens please log into my health site and read the article
why do dogs still poo or pee ?
If you do not cry after reading that, then you dont know your doggy,

I wish you luck and this is easily resolved, just do not scold the dog, redirect her to her new bed etc