Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > 1 year old bichon neutered

1 year old bichon neutered

19 15:10:06

please have you any advice to give me my 1 year old bichon was neutered 5 days ago and since she hasn't lay down or she hasn't slept at all. She is so tired she is trying to sleep while standing.

well I am very surprised, I would take back to vet in case stitches are too tight. Other than that so long as she is not hot, the wound is clean and she is eating, drinking and pooping well then it will take time. Bichons in particular can be manipulative and I reckon she is at the moment being pampered(i know because we all have done it )

Suggest giving her some NAF NAF calming liquid, this will settle her and its natural.

Also sprinkle some lavender onto a bath sheet about 5 drops , then put in tumble drier. take out and lay her on that, its soothing and calming and most of all warm.

She should be back atvet soon, ensure you attend the appointment.