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skin rash/itching/allergy?

19 15:17:37

my bichon was treated 2x externally for fleas and once with a tablet,we had him groomed and they cut his hair really close and now he is scratching himself to point of blood what can i do.?he does have allergies,could the stuff i sprayed in the yard for fleas be causing this?

The topical and internal flea treatments are all posions.

They alone can use the problems.  When you dog gets fleas they also get parasits.  You need to treat the parasits.

Allergies are also caused by diet.   A natural diet is the best way to go.  Commerical dog food is garbage.  

Find a Holistic vet to great your dogs parasite problems.

The stuff you spray on your lawn is also harmful to your dog.

Keep him away from anywhere he might pickup a flea.  They are probably also in your home.