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still jealous?

19 15:09:09

My bichon was 3 when I decided to get him a little maltipoo puppy as a
friend, since I am not home all of the time.  Well, Boomer the bichon hated
the puppy and I waited for him to warm up.  It was been 2 years and I am still
waiting.  The maltipoo (Jake) is fun, smart and has way more personality than
Boomer.  He just acts mad all the time and I have a guilty conscience for
ruining his life.  He looks like he is glaring at me every time I pet  Jake.  
Boomer turns his back from us and goes in the other room all the time to be
by himself and STILL acts mad.   Jake drives him crazy trying to play and
bothering him and always has to be next to me, even though I really favor
Boomer.    Is this my imagination and what can I do??

Hi Dana
no its not your imagination. Maltese whether they are full or half breeds are a very jealous doggy, I know because I have 4 of them and they will even compete against each other to see who can closest to your skin and heart beat. Sadly it wont ever be resolved fully so its either make a choice and keep the one you bond with more and give the other up to a good home or simply cope and as they get older they will learn more tolerance for each others company.
Many people dont understand just how human attached maltese can be when they see this little white cuddle bunny doggy.
Suggest that play involves both doggies and throw toys for both to fetch, try not to favour one over the other as a dog is very perceptive and will read your body signals which will indeed make the bonding between them yet even slower.
Have them sleep in the same room away from you and share food bowls, almost dictating how they are to be whilst together , it usually works for mine.
Good luck

if stuck I am also available on my website

also on my kennel site
Good luck

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