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cross bijon frise/toy poodle

19 15:09:09

my dog Honey is 8 months and I have had her since she was 9 weeks old will pee outside but rarely poos outside.I watch her like a hawk but she is like a phantom when she goes.Take her for long walks but no luck. She always does it on carpet. Have had to take all her toys away as she is obsessed with them and keeps on all day waiting for you to throw them and I thought she was concentrating on them rather than pooing.When I take her out she is allowed a ball but then its the same thing she just wants to play with that and wont poo. I loathe to take the ball away as she gets so much exercise from it and she loves it.I have cut meals down to regular times, then put her out but she seems to hold it until she comes back in from garden. I also have a toy poodle who is clean and honey watches her go but still doesn't get the message. When I find the poo I show it to her and tell her she is naughty but she doesn't seem to take much notice. Can you help?  lynn love

Hi Lynn
there re nothing much here that isnt normal and in the main human induced.Its all back to basics I am afraid and remember a dog IS an animal it isnt human as such it must be treated as an animal, yes I know how hard it is because they are so very cute but when we want a dog to behave like a dog we must remember it learns all its bad habits from us.

Buy a crate and start using it every night (I have posts on site here for that I also have them on and both of which I own.

Ball training has become an obsession so regain territory from her and place her on a lead when out dont use the ball or any toy to distract her unless she needs it a ball is a useful tool when used correctly and when not its a nightmare. Walk her daily for 30 mins a brisk walk not a slow one on a lead, return home then when she is calm and sitting give her the ball , you then sit down in silence and ask her ball, when she returns it to you say good girl and give her a treat then remove the ball and put it away. Do that daily.
Pooing outside will with some dogs take a little longer dont scold her when she does poop because you are in fact making her hide away in case she does it and you tell her off, a dog cannot think like humans so when she gets told off she thinks its for pooing not for doing it in the wrong place.
use the crate throughout the day open door etc but at night its closed , she will cry for a few days dont go to her, this is normal behaviour, at about 6am open crate immediately let her out to the garden she will pee, bring her back in with a warm greeting then feed her, immediately place her outside for 30 mins or until she has pooped.She will cry dont bring her in until she has pooped. Then walkies for 30 mins back home use ball and allow her then to rest.
At lunch time feed her then immediately place her outside for a poop, a dogs digestive system works very quickly.

In the home teach her some manners a dog shouldnt rule you but you rule it, dont have to be nasty with her just be firm its your home not hers, if you know what I mean. Make her wait for food, make her wait to sit on the settee all these teach dogs that they are part of our family and re expected to behave as such, after all you teach children manners , respect for the home etc and a dog is no different.

If you keep to a strict routine over a few weeks she will get the message very quickly and think life is fun as will you.
I am available on either site should you need help