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Black spots, sore tail

19 15:09:02

My Bichon, 9 years old, has sores on his tail and acts as if they are very, very painful if I try to look at them. Now I have noticed some very black spots on his tail and a kink in his tail near the tip (I don't think the kink as always been there). He has had other sores similar to these on his legs and stomach last summer and one vet told me it was from sensitive skin and skin allergies, another vet told me it was a staph infection and gave antibiotics and the sores cleared up. Now the sores are just on his tail and sometimes around his bottom. What's wrong?

Hi Linda firstly bathe your dog in neem oil shampoo and allow to dry naturally , do this twice per week for 6 week and this should rid the dog of any skin infection, use colloid of silver in his water daily to clear him of any infection present. All are available from all good pet and health stores.Remove the dog from all dried food as most allergies involve interaction with the preservatives in dried food, use foods like oily fish (tinned is great)chicken cooked, apple, cucumber, pear, spinach, mashed potatoes, lamb and lamb fat breast is great as it can be cooked in a microwave very quickly.As with all new dietary changes do it over 3 weeks, reducing his dried food daily until there is none.Fish oils added to his diet will assist skin care coat care eye and nail care and brain care.