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Need help with our Bichon Frise

19 15:12:21

I have a 1 year Bichon Frise that is very stubborn. He will not come if you call him. He Is a constant digger. We have tried to do positive reinforcement but we cannot find a treat that he likes. We have tried almost every treat on the market and he will not even try them. He has also become an escape artist some how he found a way to get out of our yard and when he did he refused to come to us we had to chase him we finally got him. He is also a bitter he chews on  our kids toys. He refuses to play with doggie toys we have bought him a whole bunch and he justed pooped on them and i had to throw them away. He will also not tell us when he has to go to the bathroom he will just poop in his crate. He also will not go poop on the leash he would rather hold it and go in the crate or house. He will urinate on the leash though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank u

All bichons go through this stage, it does pass as quickly as it comes.I would start by just havg one toy that he can become attached too, very often dogs are overwhelmed with an abundance of toys and treats and is results in them not bothering with anything.Forget commercial treats use food from his tray, like dried biscuits orbetter still make some by using meat that you have dried in the oven. You must use his crate to train him, after sleeping take him
out until he has emptied either his badder or his bowels, congratulate him.

Never chase after a dog, always shout his name rpeatedly as you walk the opposite way, trust me he will follow, by chasing him you are submitting to his games, and this will continue forever.

I have lots of training advice and printable sheets on my health site ido think you need to look and start a file of all useful info that you can refer to .