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Unusual Behavior - Urinating in House

19 15:09:11

My female Bichon is about 15 months old and she is potty trained, however, she has recently started peeing in the house. Not just on the carpet. Last week I discovered that she had peed on my bed and then a few days ago my son let her out of her crate first thing in the morning like usual and I went to let her outside - this is our normal routine - to find her hiding. I immediately went to my room and she had just peed on my bed again! She had no reason to be mad or anything. This morning (2 days later) I have my door closed and found her peeing on the couch. I'm so frustrated and don't know what to do and what's causing this. Our routine has not changed.

Hi DelRae
she is simply coming of age and you are what she wishes to protect, this will pass if you just ignore, wipe up with a good cleaner add a few drops lemon essential oil to the area and will be back on track. Most bichons male or female (even the I dont know what I ams ) go thru this stage between 9 months and 18 months, she is at the end of the spectrum which tells me she is a much loved spoilt little girl and knows her place well in the mix of family life.

If you look at my site
you will find a massive post on this subject, its also on here somewhere.
Good luck

In short it shows she loves you