Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > sick


19 15:09:06

QUESTION: My bichon is almost 2 years old.  We've just been through a bout of gastro
upset.  For the past 2 weeks he has been vomiting once a day to once every
other day.  At first it seemed he would vomit right after eating his dinner.  We
tried less food 3x a day.  But, the vomiting persisted.  He is eating and
pooping normally. His behavior seemed fine other than the occassional
vomiting.  This past Friday, I took him to the vet because I thought maybe
something was really wrong. She said he looked dehydrated and he might be
in kidney failure.  She scared me so!  She ran blood tests, and it turns out all
was well, other than he being dehydrated.  Thank goodness.  Well, she put
him on flagyl and pepcid.  She also put him on prescription food which he is
not too fond of.  My concern is the flagyl, as I have read it can have some
severe side effects.  The vomiting has stopped (at least for almost 48 hours
now) and today he actually seems to be doing much better.  I was wondering
what your thoughts were about flagyl.  If he's better, do you think I could stop
it, and not continue giving him 10 days worth?  I don't believe the blood work
showed any infection.  I know this is a long question and I appreciate your
input so very much.  Thank you.

ANSWER: I would be worried the vet hasnt found the cause why the vomiting happened in the first place, far too many vets use antibiotics and dont fully understand why they are prescribing them.
Firstly when was the last time the dog was wormed or vaccinated?
feeding more than once per day as an adult will encourage obesity and the use of commercial diets for these breeds isnt recommended no matter what the vet says.
What colour is the vomit and what times of day does it happen?

Place the dog on a more natural diet high in fish oils, chicken, meat proteins, vegetables like carrot batons, cucumber, small amounts of spinach and broccolli, mashed potatoes, garden peas.Give fruits slices such as apple (they prefer sweeter apples like pink lady) Pear no cherries or raisins they are poisonous to dogs. NO onion either they will cause severe health problems.Foods like cooked boneless sardines, salmon, mackeral tuna should be used for these breeds daily.

Fresh water should be changed at least 5 times per day , dogs prefer fresh water rather than water that is dirty from their food.
Dogs fed a natural diet will poop only once per day once they have settled into these new foods. their stools are non smelly and harder. They should be fed only 175 g per day that includes all treats . They should not drink cows milk , but they can have delamere puppy goats milk.They can also eat goats milk probiotic yoghurts.

Dogs fed a natural diet are also far less aggressive , have fewer health concerns and are calmer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The dog is up to date in his worming.  As far as vaccines, his last one was this
past May, and it was rabies  He is up to date with the needed vaccines and
those that are mandated.  The first week to 10 days his vomit consisted of his
dinner.  It would come up almost immediately and his food would be
undigested.  After that period, the few times he vomited it was either
yellowish liquid.  Those times he vomited once was in late afternoon, and the
other 2 times it occurred in the early part of the day .  In each instance, he had
eaten a few hour earlier.  As of now, (fingers crossed) the vomiting has
stopped for about 72 hours.  He is eating, not well but he is eating.  I have
given him boiled chicken with carrots, and peas.  That is his favorite.  We have
a water bowl that recirculates and filters his water.   

As far as the salmon, tuna and sardines,, is canned okay?  He loves tuna as a
matter of fact he loves it whenever there is fish around.  I'm not sure where to
get goats yogurt  or milk.  He does not like apples at all, I've consistenly tried
to give him apple slices, he plays with it and leaves it.  

I have a feeling the vet is going to tell me to leave him on the flagyl, and I am
not sure if that is the right thing to do.  He was lethargic at first, but seems to
be doing better as the days go on.  Just wondering what your opinion is.  
Should I leave him on the flagyl for the 10 days?  How about the pepcid
(famitodine)?  She only gave me enough of those up until this morning.  

Thanks so much for all your help and input.  

I cannot advise against what the vet says as that would be illegal. However from experience I see nothing wrong with the use in short term and this course is short.
The yellow is nothing to be concerned about and is also seen when exercising this is due to dehydration and a drink often will usually stop this, they also tend to vomit yellow bile first thing in teh morning upon waking.
I would give him a settlers tum tablet after his meals, keep him quiet and always have water to hand , ensure he has access to water during the night and immediately after exercise, Ice cubes are a great way to get water into him when even he doesnt feel like it.
try to keep him quiet after eating for 30-60 mins but ensure he is not over fed, an adult bichon should be on about 175g food per day and fed only once.