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Re: Bichon Frise not eating.

19 15:10:13

I have a 10 month old Bichon Frise bitch whom I've had from 12 weeks. Recently she has stopped eating her food. I have tried her on different varieties of dried and tinned food, fresh tuna and pork and she turns her nose up to all of them. The only thing she will eat are the occasional treats.

Hi Andy
if a veterinary condition has been ruled out by a vet, or you are not worried as she eats treats then I would concentrate on a good fresh diet, many dogs prefer this to a commercial one and in the longterm it is much more healthy.

You need to get into a routine and as she is now 10 months she can drop to one good meal per day with NO TREATS. Treats are high in additives and poor quality foods, they are aso high calorie and fat as such they are a nightmare for all modern pets.

I would now stop all treats.

Morning give her fresh water, she must not have milk etc.

Try her with some chicken , oatmeal, carrots, cucumber, salmon, mackeral (tuna is poor in omegas)
Give her fresh lamb diced, quality beef (NEVER give a cheap cut of beef, many will show an intolerance)

She does not require carbohydrates, such as corn, soy, wheat or dairy products.

Good luck

Her daily itake should be about 175 g of fresh foods.