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bichon friese

19 15:16:36

why does my  bichon friese have red hair around its eyes?

It has tearstaining, this is a problem with all dogs but is seen in white and lighter dogs, the red colour is caused by a yeasty bacteria that lives and breeds on the tears being produced, you may also find it smells .
How to get rid of it.
Wash around the eyes with optrex daily, reduce highly coloured tinned dog foods, we use a raw diet that helps alot.
We make a supplement that erradicates this problem it also helps bichons specifically in preventing stones, it also has a coat conditioner, omega369 for itching and allergies, a supplement for the prevention of thyroid and immune diseases. it is the only bichon specific product world wide and it is very effective.
If you want some then go to
and pay via paypal , sent 1st class worldwide.
There are pastes about that may actually increase the problem if not applied correctly as they may further block the tearduct so beware of these home made products.
Cornflour mixed with optrex and applied around the eyes daily then washed off may also help.