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balls of hair everywhere

19 15:17:18

I have a 3 year old Bichon for the past year we have been on and off of steriods special shampoo. I am feeding her Science diet sensitive skin food. She does go to the groomer every week. Last month at the vet I spent another $200.00 it stopped for about a week now it has started all over again. She is also always licking the couch. I don't know if that might help find out what it is but it is driving me crazy. Any tips I will take them.

Allergies are expected with todays Bichons, I would use oatmeal shampoo and neem oil for her itching. Stay away from steroids as they can affect her adrenal gland and she may develop far more serious conditions later on .

You Must do a food tolerance test and this takes several weeks to complete, also give foods such as cucumber to rehydrate her.

You may give her benadryl for  very short period, what I would do is log into my forum (ITS FREE)

there is enough information to help you with this poor doggy.
I would also ask the vet to test for sarcoptic mites, often they are missed.