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Lifting LEG!!

19 15:12:12

Hi Kaza, thanks for answering my first question...I just dont know what to do!!!!!  I just want to cry because I LOVE BRADY SO MUCH BUT I JUST CANT HIM LIFTING HIS LEG!!!! I just dont understand what is going on!!!  HE IS SO SPOILED BY ME AND LOVED and now i have to watch him like a hawk  I said before he will be 3 in July and never pulled this S""""  I would never put him in a kennel when i go away he stays with my mother and he was always so good but the past 4 months he started lifting his leg in the house!!!  I really just want to cry and scream because now every single time (which is all the time) we go over my mothers he lifts his leg!!!  And my thought is putting him back in the crate wont help because he is doing it right in front of me...  Please if u have any suggestions I WOULD APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!   Thanks Dawn

This is all normal so please dont fret, its all about going back to basics, I have many boys and they donot cock their legs inside the house, I have never hit one, never raised my voice etc, I just look at them and say Oi NO , it works well and they really do understand.

Just go back in time to when he was potty training and think like that, this is so easily resolved just by following the simple rules of YOU are boss he is not !

To fully understand why he does this please log into my health site

Good luck x