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Puppy biting and feeding

19 15:17:30

I actually have two questions with the first involving puppy biting.  We brought our Bichon puppy from a breeder at 12 weeks old and at first did notice this so much as we do now but when she gets excited she likes to play with her mouth pen and will nip.  It almost seems as if she is teething but I want to make this problem stop before it gets any worse.  She also loves to chew on shoes and our daughters toys.
  My second question is what your thoughts are on Old Mother Hubbards Wellness brand dog food.  It supposed to be a very natural alternative to most commercial dog foods.  I know that is a more difficult food to find around town but I have been told that it is a great food.  That it is supposed to be as close to feeding raw as possible while remaining a store purchased food.

If your dog is still a puppy expect the puppy play. make sure she has a bones to chew on.  Keep her in a puppy pen aways from your shoes and kids toys when you cannot monitor her.  Once she is over 6 months she will have permanent teeth.

Food - Commerical kibble is still commerical kibble. It could never come close to a true raw diet.  You just have to decide what your willing to do.  In my opinion a raw diet is the best.  The dogs will live a longer healthier life.