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Bischon hyperactive dominant and bites will neutering help?

19 15:10:09

Hi, please help my Bischon is 10 weeks old ive had him since he was 8 weeks.  He has started to bite and nip and does not respond to my loud cries of ouch or any of the other suggestions i have read.  He mostly does this when playing but turns more and more aggressive, starts growling and snaring before launching forward at my feet or anything else, this happens over and over again.  His 10 weeks old but has now started to 'mount me'. I am not using a crate but have cornered off a section in the kitchen, through using some wood like material.  in the mornings we remove the area and his able to run around. He uses the newspaper at night and we take him in the garden during the day.  But he still has accidents if his not monitored.  I was also wondering whether i should introduce a crate or is it too late he has his food and newspaper in one area and his bed in another (food and newspaper apart). please help!

Hi there
this is all just so normal you wouldnt believe it, please dont panic, he is treating you as his litter mate or sibling , he just needs to learn some manners.
I really do suggest that you crate train him and this will help you alot.
The growling at such a young age is normal, its how he learns to grow up.

PLEASE PLEASE go to my website and register for free, that way I can monitor you in the longterm and help you more frequently.

go to introductions area and post up to 3 times for the site to open up, there are lots of new bichon owners on site who have all been through the same as you and will talk you through all the times when you just want to scream.

At 10 weeks I must say though that he is too young to be outside yet, he can pick up a few very nasty infections that can be life threatening. His bladder is so very tiny yet so he cant hold it in for long, he will have a few accidents until he is 4 months old, please be patient and dont shout at him as this tends to make the matter worse.