Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > separation anxiety

separation anxiety

19 15:08:57

We recently adopted a 3 year old Bichon.He is wonderful. He sleeps in his crate at night. When we try to leave him for short times in his crate,he gets very agitated and has defecated twice already. Any help would be appreciated.

Separation anxiety is just an issue of time, place a toy that the dog is comfortable with inside the crate during the day and throw and play with that with the door opened, allowing fido to go in and fetch the toy and get back out. Each time in a high pitched vice congratulate him and give him a treat. Place a cover over 3 sides of the crate at night, make sure its free from all draughts and leave the radio on low so that the dog feels he is with someone.
Do this each night and then get him up in the morning about 630am and have him go out to toilet and then play and feed.
Its all about making him feel happy in a crate and it wont take long , remember to cover the crate 3 sides at night and if necessary during the day it tends to make them feel less vulnerable.Place a chew stick in the crate so he doesnt get bored .