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Eating poop

19 15:09:03

My Winston was born Feb 2010, and recently i saw him licking poop! I tried unsuccessfully to get him to stop by shooing him away but he just kept licking like it was something he was really enjoying. My question is does this mean he is sick, do i need to take him in to the vet or just continue to clean up outside as usual and not worry about it? O yeah im not sure the poop was even his he actually got out of the yard and brought his treat to our steps!!

Hi Arlene
eating poop is how animals recycle, poop to animals is non offensive and after digestion it still may have some nice appetisers in it. This can only be stopped by adding some MSG a teeny amount to the diet, it makes poop offensive and after the habit is broken in about 7 days you can usually stop adding a sprinkle to the food.

Or by training which takes longer but may have better long term effects. Its a case of clear up poop quickly and when Winston wants to tuck into a tasty morsel of poop shoo him away but it has t be consistent.
Good luck