Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > Bad Habit

Bad Habit

19 15:17:43

Dear Bill:  My sister has 2 Bichons and they both lick their feet and legs non-stop until the skin is raw and near bleeding.  How can I stop this?  Thank-you in advance,  Susan.

Stop vaccinatons.  After a dog has there vaccination at 6 months of age they never need another vacciation for the rest of their life.   3 months after vaccianton you usually see signs like you describe.  

Also all commerical dog food is garbage.  A natural diet would also help the condition you describe.  A natural diet is called BARF (Bones & RAW food)  Lots of companies make the diet now its also easy to make your self.  A great book on the subjuect is " The Ultimate Diet" by Kymberly Schultze, you can purchase it on www.