Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > Behavior


19 15:17:46

We are about to introduce a 12 year old antisocial
Bichon to an 11 year old antisocial Dalmatian on
a permanent basis. Both dogs have been terribly
pampered and treated as children their entire lives. The Bichon is the newcomer, which we have to take in because of the recent passing away of his owner, my mother-in-law. Both dogs are males and very loving with humans but not with other dogs. Any suggestions on how to bring them together and adapt will be most appreciated.

As the Bichon is new to the family "pack" he must be submissive to your dog from the beginning. Make sure you do this by always doing everything for the Dalmation first. By this I mean greeting the Dalmation first, feeding him first, petting him first etc. Also, are both males sterilised? If not, I would have the Bichon done (both dogs should be) so he is subserviant to the other dog. Before you expect them to live in harmony together, let them meet at a neutral place such as a park so they do not get territorial. You must make sure you are the top dog, then the Dalmation, then the Bichon. If the dogs understand this from the beginning, there should be no problems. Although, if the Bichon will not submit to you or the Dalmation, you will have a problem.
Hopefully, they will get on and become pals, but is they do't ask your local vet for a good training club to get more information. Considering all the variables in this situation, this is the best I can do without writing an essay!
Please let me know how they go!