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12 year old male and baby

19 15:17:33

Our 12 year old male, Q-tip, always had a few "accidents" in the house, but since the arrival of our 2 1/2 year old, the urinating throughout the house is getting out of control.

He will blatantly finish eating and walk over to the kitchen cupboard and mark, right in front of us.

We have had him since he was 6 weeks old and he was always the perfect dog.  He is our first "baby" and we love him very much.  Of course, since the arrival of our daughter, the dynamics of our family have changed and he is not always the center of attention, which is obviously the problem.

I am sure its a matter of jealously and we do whatever we can to keep him happy, but our house is starting to smell and I have enough work to do with a 2 year old.  Who has time to patience to clean the 4-6 markings on the sofa, bedcover, cabinets, parquet floors, door step, etc.?  

This is a dog that is walked several times a day and has the run of the garden.

Forget dog training, as I live on a Greek island and there is no where to take him!  Please give me a idea as to what I can do by myself!!!  

He is trying to get your attention by the peeing.  YOur right is is absolutly over your new addition.  It's going to take some time before he get over this.  Try picking him up the same time you do the  baby.  NOt sure what else to tell you.  If you cannot take it any more limit his access to the house.  Try a crate or puppy pen.