Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > my bichon frise when we dont pay attention to him will pee out of spite and nips us when he plays

my bichon frise when we dont pay attention to him will pee out of spite and nips us when he plays

19 15:09:40

QUESTION: how can I fix this problem, my bichon is 14 months old and a very good dog, we try to take him on a walk at least 1 or 2 times a day, as well he has access to the back deck when he wants to go outside, he won't do the stairs on the deck so he won't go down.  He loves attention at night when everyone comes home, he wants to play and that is good.  but I found he is a bit aggressive in play he will nip and dig at you.  He also loves to run around in circles, but what I wonder about is that when he is not getting the attention he will go pee somewhere in the house,  and I am trying to find a way to correct the problem.  Did I create this by giving him too much love and attention. I would like some advise.


ANSWER: ha ha this is a boy who is going through his teenage years and just like humans of that age they have tantrums and know how to show their displeasure. The stairs firstly, he is now the right age to develop strength in his legs so encourage the steps by placing a treat on the step down that you want him to go on, keep telling him good boy come one down, he will do it once he has done it say good boy and repeat the process , after a very shirt while he will be fine, the more you pick him up the less he will want to walk at all. This is a doggy not a human, with Bichons we all tend to mollycoddle them yes even me. we must remember though that they are like any other dog and must learn the ropes.His nipping is also age related , you need to stop play when he does this and say NO in a voice he relates too, say it with passion not aggression. His walks must be made more stimulating so take a ball and if he is good at recall have him fetch the thrown ball many times, ours all love this and trust me when they come back after an hour in the park they simply go to sleep. Stimulate him at home using a treat ball , we also use an agility tunnel at home in the yard so my dogs all run and hid inside then play find the ball with each other, they are a great tool in the world of K9 stimulation.The peeing is simply excitement, if you stimulate him correctly as per above this should subside, he may also be at the age when he is wanting to show you he is the man of the pack so he will scent , his boundaries will be scented to send signals to all dogs (in his eyes you are a weird dog) nothing really stops scenting not even neutering, it can slow it down but a male is a male as such needs to constantly scent.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just follow up question, about the scenting. I was a bit confused.  if he has the proper exercise and stimulation this will help stop this peeing and even the odd poo just this week he did it inside twice, could be he could not get outside or he is being territorial not sure.  he is normally very good about going outside to pee and poo, but this worries me a bit.  But you are so right about spoiling the pup he just looks for someone to spoil him.  I have tried to train to be pack leader, he still doesn't always listen to my come command, stubborn as they come.


if he gets the exercise outside they tend also to defecate and urinate in that area as it tells other dogs that this is there patch, so yes, in a way it will help with that.

Remember with Bichons its never about scolding but more about praise and congratulating them, they thrive on it yet can become very depressed if shouted at too often.