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Dog breeds

19 15:17:15

Can dogs involve human beings conversation?

Which note would trigger their ear more?

How do pet owners train dogs?

What kind of personality do different dogs have?

How do dogs show their expressions?

So many questions that in reality have little to do with just one breed.

Training is all about compassion and understanding the dog and how its brain and thought process works, without this basic understanding all training becomes an uphill struggle and any will give up at the first hurdle.

Most high pitched notes will encourage interaction with canines.

A dog will normally take on the personality of its owner, , quite often a grumpy old person will have a snapper as a dog...

Dogs actually develop voice recognition and local accents of their carers.

If you need more help please log into my site

Its free and has a lot of info on how dogs evolved and how they develop both physically and mentally.