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Lumps under ears

19 15:09:13


My Bichin Frise, has two swollen lumps under his ears at teh base of his jaqline, he is 6 months old and showing alot less interest in his food that he was a few weeks ago.  I though this may have been his lymph glands but the vet seems to think it is his salivary glands.  I am currenrly awaiting test results, however I wanted to ask whether this is common in the breed, or whether you may have any advise for me.  Many thanks.  

Hello Vicki
salivary gland infection is not as common as lymph node issues but they are common enough across all breeds due to the nature of the animal. Dogs have a tendency to eat poop and this is a common way to cause swollen salivary glands due to the level of bacteria in poop. they also can contract salivary gland swelling due to inoculation infection , some dogs lean to developing a lump at the base of the vaccine site, this travels and tends to sit in salivary glands, clearly he will be off his feed as its like us having tonsilitis.Lyme disease is carried by ticks, and can spread to dogs and humans by tick bites. It is unlikely causing the salivary gland problem. Lameness and flu-like symptoms are more common in Lyme Disease cases.
If the issue creating the swelling is due o poop eating I suggest adding a small amount of MSG to the diet as this alters the flavour which attracts the dog to the poop.Generally once out of the habit, it stops thus restoring a cleaner oral environment.Dandelion root used in an infusion with other herbs such as cinnamon,is a great way to treat this.

if you need additional info please log into my site

Good luck