Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > My 12 yr old Bichon Frise has bad rough cough

My 12 yr old Bichon Frise has bad rough cough

19 15:12:05

I have a 12 yr old Bichon fries who has developed a bad rough sounding cough without bringing anything up, he does this several times a day, he also hurt his back left upper leg nothing seems to be out of place but the muscle does seems to be inflammed what can I do about his cough and is it ok to give him a baby asprine for the leg pain?

buffered aspirin , if in UK contact we have proper doggy ones for sale.
Its possible to give robitussin baby cough mix or ecinacea for coughs .
please visit my site for dose help
I would also start to give some ecinacea as a preventative to KC.
Small tracheas are a problem in bichons get this checked out, also watch out for reverse sneezing which sounds like the dog is hacking something up.