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Bichon has bad skin condition

19 15:10:11

Hi my female Bichon 11 month old, has been chewing her back leg on and off over the last few months.
It has only been the last 2 months that she has been aggresively chewing it.
I have taken her to the vet on numerous occasions, spent a fortune and they have tried anti-biotics, steroids, injections etc.
I currently have her on tablets which are for 'tropical problems' wit skin.
I have also changed her food to Royal Canin - Skin Support.

I have a cone on her collar so she cant get to her back legs....she has since chewed through 3 of these cones - she takes them off of her head and then chews it apart so it cant be put back on her.
I am at my wits end. The vet has told me that if these tablets do not work, she will go down the route of taking bloods and skin biopsy's
I do not want to put her through that and I certainly do not want her to be on this specialised diet forever. I used to love giving her treats and since this skin condition she cannot understand why i wont share.
I am only feeding her royal canine and water so that i definately know her allergy / condition isnt food related.
If you have any knowledge of this case in previous queries would you please share.
Also forgot to mention that her back leg is a shade of brown (due to the chewing)
If she gets a chance to chew her leg she does, she even broke skin last week ( she got the cone off when i had her in her crate )

Hiya Val firstly take her off the royal canin , many bichons breeds have an intolerance to that particular food and have developed skin problems , some have even lost all the coat. Feed her an elimination diet initially details of this can be found on my website

Then start her on a natural diet from most good pet stores worldwide . They come in frozen packets and are safe and easy to use.

Then wash her once per week in my neem shampoo available from

This is natural, safe and very effective, you will see a difference within 7-10 days, continue use until all chewing has stopped.

Many bichons have these problems and they are easy to control using the right natural approach, trouble is most vets havent got a clue , they will still take your hard earned money whilst they poisin your baby with steroids that do nothing but mask the problem.

I look forward to an update on this little one very soon and good luck.