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quirky behavior

19 15:09:21

Hi, I have a bichon who is 20 months old, male and neutered.  We got him from a very reputable breeder and took him home at 12 weeks of age.  He is a delight in most ways but has some quirky issues.  Whenever we approach him from above with our hand out, he backs up as if we have hit or hurt him before.  This has never been the case, and we thought he would outgrow this, but he still has this behavior.  We try not to reinforce it by babying him, nor do we chase him when he does this, but it still persists.  It is  a bit upsetting, because we feel as though he is afraid of us.  Have you seen this before and do you have any suggestions to help us through it? Thanks so much!

Hi mindy
At this age Bichon Frise tend to go through a weird related issue rather like a fear stage, it can start as early as 10 months but can and does continue in some dogs until they are 2 years of age. Try to approach him from under his chin and with palm upside to allow him time to accept touch rather than expect touch, which in the eyes of a dog is always preferable. With your continued love he will come through just fine.
No matter how good a breeder is there may be something within the environment lacking within any normal home, many breeders dont have kids as such those litters born within have a tendency to be child shy, many work and cannot spend enough time socialising litters which makes for many poorly socialised puppies in the world.Many misunderstand how socialisation has such a massive input to a growing developing new puppy. Having said that your little man will be just fine if you continue to be loving and patient , you will notice he may become rather slower and look much more studious when tasking these are all normal behaviours for our little clowns once they mature and that is as individual as human maturation, either mentally, emotionally or physically.
He may at this time also appear to be disobedient and forget the training he has thus far accomplished, once again all normal eventhough annoying.
He is at the age now in which his medical tests are becoming more necessary such as eye testing for cataracts, and other eye disorders, orthopaedic tests for patella and hip health and blood tests to ensure he will continue to be the wonderful you love so much. Many people think that only breeding dogs ned to be tested , that just isnt so and to safeguard any breed records of all those within should be undertaken by owners.

I look forward to and update within 6 months of this cheeky chappie and would also welcome yu to join our global friendly forum were you can chat with other owners and possibly gain many friends in the process.

Good Luck