Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > Poor condition of coat after spaying

Poor condition of coat after spaying

19 15:09:32

Hello,  Our year old Bichon was recently spayed.  Her coat seems to have reverted back to the 'cotton wool' type coat she had as a very young puppy.  I have clipped her quite short and groom her every day, but the matts come back almost instantly.  I have cut a lot of them straight out as I feel sorry for our little girl constantly having to have the matts 'combed out', even though we are very gentle.

This has nothing to do with her spay, its what is commonly referred to as blowing her coat and is common at this age for most coated breeds who are growing from pups into young adults. Simply use a good coat oil like cris cristensen silk oil and a detangler and comb daily, spray the coat before with a mister and add some oil to that. This will soon pass and her coat will become beautiful again.
A good idea is to increase fish oils like salmon oil into her diet for the next 6-12 months. Or use mr groom VITAGROOM daily in her diet for a soft beautiful luxurient coat in top condition.