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Bichon Litter size?

19 15:09:22

My bichon is pregnant and had an Xray and found out she is having six puppies. The vet seemed to think that this is something to be concerned about but after doing research the litter size for a bichon is 1-6 puppies.  Is that correct?  Should I be overly concerned?  This is her first litter she is 2 1/2 years old and normally weighs 13 lbs and is up to 18.9 and is 55 days along.  Thanks

The vet is somewhat crazy this is an average size for a Frise litter, even Maltese who are far smaller will have litters this size. She is a good weight and should do well, hopefully you have had read all about whelping and keep us posted new mum to be.

Enjoy the experience.

ps the vet should only have been concerned if 1 pup was seen. more whelping problems happen with smaller litters not larger ones!