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combining amphibians with amazon tank

23 15:18:39

I'm setting up a 55 gallon Amazon biotope, and wanted to add a little something extra by turning it into what's basically a partial vivarium by adding an acrylic frame around the top. are there any frog species (other than fire-bellies and African dwarf) that could be used for something like this? my local big box pet store wasn't much help.

Hi Kyle,
I'm not real experienced with amphibians. I can only tell you a little bit from what I know. Have you considered African Clawed Frogs? They are quite fascinating. They grow much bigger than dwarf frogs and are completely aquatic. Only thing is because they do grow large, (almost as big as your hand) they could eat smaller creatures. But they come in a interesting gold  (albino) variety.

Semi-aquatic frogs like White's Tree Frog and Green Tree Frogs might be good options for you. It depends upon what species are available in your area, what setup you have and if the frogs needs will be met.

Be sure and research any species very thorough. And have a plan! It helps everything go smoothly :)

I hope this helps and good luck!