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Desert Horned lizards

22 14:41:55

I know that horned lizards are protected in many states.  I would like to breed these lizards but do not want to take yet even more from the wild to do so.  I have experience breeding Sudan plateds, and crested geckos.  I also have experience with chameleons, iguanas, monitors,  mountain horn lizards (dragons).  any way.  I am having the toughest time finding captive breeders of these little guys.  Whats the reason people aren't breeding them?  I have been doing allot of research on there natural environment and food.  Also do you know of any breeder(s) of these little guys?  Please help if you can.

Y'know Teresa, you are right!  I've been to the National Reptile Breeder's Expo for several years and I've yet to find either the Northern or Southern horned lizard ever there.  I personally know of no one breeding them either, though if there are any they would probably be out west, from Idaho down.  I would suggest trying NAROA, the National Amphibian and Reptile Owners Alliance.  They have a Yahoo group.  Or try contacting Roy Thibideau of the Las Cruces Reptlie Rescue, he's a member of NAROA, and he might know of someone breeding horned lizards.