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fur mite infestation

22 10:57:25

My bunny has fur mites.  The vet gave me medication for him but how do I rid my home of them?

Hi Eileen,

I know that steam cleaning and water above 140 degrees can do a pretty solid job of getting rid of them.  Hepa vacs can pick up a lot as well.  regular deep vacuuming will help.  Getting up all the old rabbit fur will deprive them of what they like to live on.  They generally do not like to be on humans (no fur) or what we wear.  Wash what you can in the 140 degree water.  If you have a carpet steam cleaner get the solution for allergens/dust mites.  This water gets really hot and will help kill off the fur mites.

Mainly they will be on rabbit areas.  Clean areas well with a vinegar solution (50/50 water).  Doesn't have to be hot.  Clean ALL surfaces.  You can put some vinegar into the 140 degree wash too, a cup or 2.
