Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Injured baby rabbit help pleasee!!!

Injured baby rabbit help pleasee!!!

22 9:57:28

hi, i know you said in any emergency to get the rabbit to the vet but i wanted to ask you about this rabbit as well. on my way home from a family vacation my mom saw a baby rabbit (old enough thats he is on his own, but still very young) he was hit by a car and possibly broke one of his legs, if not badly injured it. I'm going to ask my mom if we can bring him to the vet even though he is wild. we were planning on trying to nurse him to health and then let him go, but i think a vet would be best. do you have any advise for us? thanks -savannah

Dear Savannah,

Here are some emergency instructions if this is a very small baby:

But the best thing to do is contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area with this directory:

The rehabber will have access to the right vets, and will have the expertise needed to save this baby.  If you can't find a rehabber, find a rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
