Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > EMEREGENCY!!!!!


21 16:30:50

hi Chrys,

My male cockatiel is pooping blood!. Yesterday there wre drops of possibly,blood, dripping from his vent(constant droppings for 5 mins) the drops were droping slowly probably 2 drops per minute. He is also acting as if he is constipating. He is a male, i see him sing the mating call. He is not constipating any more now. But i am still concerned. The blood stains on the floor are kind of darm brownish now. I give him normal seeds. But i just recently discovered some bugs in the seed bag. My cocaktiel poop/blood smells exactly like the bugs. He is also chirping softly as if he is trying to take something out of his body. He lowers his vent,shakes his tale and chirp softly. His vent area is brownish. The female is fine with fine droppings. What couldve happended to him? he spends the whole day in the nest. I took the nest box out which contained 4 infertile eggs. I seperated the male and put him into a warm place. He is fluffed up. I cannot take him to a vet because i called once called a vet, he told me the check-up price is 75$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can get a new cockatiel with that. i gave him spinach right now and water. What do you think is wrong with  him?

Hi, Zuhair.

I don't not know what is wrong with your tiel.  Obviously, the bird is bleeding internally.  You need to take this bird to the bird vet immediately.  This bird could bleed to death internally if you don't find out what's wrong and have it treated.  Bird vets are expensive because they have special training only in birds.  If you can't/don't want to pay the price for taking them to the bird vet when they need to go, you shouldn't be raising/breeding them.  When you raise/breed parrots, there will be times when you will need to take one or more of them to the vet!

If this were a female, I'd suspect something to do with egg laying (eggbound, reproductive system problem, bowel, prolapse, etc.).  

With bugs in the seed, the bird could have ingested some type of toxic insect or something.  You should take this bag of seed with you to the vet.  At least, take the bag of seed to the vet and see if they can tell you what they are and whether your bird needs to be seen.

An all-seed diet is a horrible diet for a parrot.  The bugs in the seed is another good reason to switch your birds over to a more healthy diet, with seeds only a small portion of their total intake.  Inspect seed you want to purchase before you purchase it to see what it looks like.  It's also a good idea to store seed in the freezer in order to kill any bugs that might be present.  However, seed can also harbor aflatoxins, which can cause illness in parrots.  Another good reason to switch them over!

I'm sorry I can't help with this, Zuhair, but I've never experienced anything like this.  Your best bet is to at least call the vet and ask for his/her expert advice about what you should do.  They don't charge for phone calls!
