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Scared Stiff Hamster ?

21 13:28:50

I got a hamster 2-3 weeks ago and everything was fine until about 3 days ago. He's slept a lot since I got him, but now he seems to be staying in his little house even MORE, not coming out to eat as often even. And the major concern is because when I do see him, he'll sit there frozen. Eyes big and he doesn't move. Like if something scared him almost to death! I'll poke him, pet him but nothing and when I hold him, instead of running from hand to hand he doesn't move. Last night I put him in his ball and he fell asleep, didn't run around at all. Tonight I kept petting him and finally he got active. It was as if he "snapped out of it". But probably 75% of the time he's acting weird now. I'm just very disturbed by this change in behavior, any suggestions? I was worried he's sick from eating too much, drinking too little, or not enough exercise or his cage is too small! Anything I should look for? Thanks a lot.


    It sounds like your little guy is sick. I am not quite sure what for, the loss of energy is usually a sign of old age,but since you got him three weeks ago he shouldn't be too old. My best advice is to take him out and work with him offer him little bits of treat like carrots and apples. This will make sure that he is eating enough. Try placing him by the water bottle to see if he will drink. Next take him to a vet and get him checked to make sure there is nothing enternally wrong.

Thanks for writing hope he gets better.