Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Yorkshire Terriers Yorkies > yorkies hair

yorkies hair

20 11:39:24

  My 13 month old yorkies is losing his hair on his upper leg. Also his hair
isn't really growing all that much. Can you tell me what's going on?


There could be several things going on.  The first thing that comes to mind is mange.  You will need to take him to the vet to find out if he has mange and if so then medication is required.  If left untreated it could be fatal.  It could also be that he has skin allergies.  Some small dogs have skin allergies which are usually triggered by something that they are eating or environmental factors.  If it is a food allergy then the culprit is probably chicken.  You will need to change his diet and stick with foods that contain only beef, lamb, or vegetables.  You will need to read the labels on the dog food because even though it may say beef, chicken could still be an ingredient.  The only other thing I can think of is that your dog is high strung and has a nervous condition that may require medication.  You should try to observe if he is doing a lot of scratching in the area where he is loosing his hair so that you can tell the vet if he has been scratching his hair out or if it is falling out on its own.  As for his hair not growing very much that could just be the way he is going to be.  Yorkie hair ranges from thick and curly to thin and straight.  The best indication of what his hair will be like as an adult is by looking at the parents.  If both parents have thick hair then your puppy should have thick hair etc.  

With all of that being said I would suggest that you take your baby to the vet as soon as you can.  If he has an illness you will need to take care of it soon.

