Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Yorkshire Terriers Yorkies > I think my yorkie is teething what should i do?

I think my yorkie is teething what should i do?

20 11:39:24

I have a 13wk male yorkie, and he seems to be very down, every time i touch him he puts my his face on my hand and then he puts his jaw towards my hand like if it hurts him there. May i give him some type pain controlled meds? he is also whinnying.


Absolutely do not give him pain meds.  Because he is only 13 weeks you could give him the wrong amount and kill him.  He should not be in pain and puppies do not go through teething.  You will need to take him to the vet asap because something might be wrong.  Dogs do not show pain as a rule and if they do they are in a great deal of pain.  At his young age he should not be in pain for any reason.

The other thing you may want to consider is that the puppy may be going through separation anxiety.  You didn't say how old he was when you got him but if it was recently (less than a week) that would explain his appearing "very down" and the whining.  Puppies go through separation anxiety when removed from their mothers and siblings especially if they are older than eight weeks.  If you think that it could be separation anxiety then you just need to make sure you continue to hold him and give him lots of love for the next few days.  It should pass in less than a week.  If that is not the problem then you will need to take him to the vet to make sure that he is not sick or injured.

If you can let me know what you find out.

