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Yorkie acts scared of something

20 11:37:39

QUESTION: All of a sudden the past two days our yorkie has been acting scared inside our house. She won't leave our side and shakes a lot. Like she has seen a ghost.


Yorkies can sometimes show bazaar behavior.  It usually occurs when something has upset them either physically or emotionally.  There are also Yorkies who have a nervous personality.  I had a female that was nick named "shake and quake" because for no apparent reason she would just start shaking and quaking and acting like she was scared to death of something.  The thing is we were never able to determine what that something was, so we concluded that her behavior was just part of her personality.

If you believe in ghosts then I suppose that you could conclude that you might have one that only the dog can see.  As long as it doesn't bother you I think you will be fine :0)

When she acts strange all you can really do is hold her and reassure her that she is fine.  You may also like to make a place for her, such as a crate or cage, where she can go and hide.  Sometimes when Yorkies are scared they will go and hide under a bed or something similar that provides them with a smaller space which makes them feel more secure. If you have a cage you can put a blanket over it so that she can get in back where it is quiet and dark.  If she feels that she is hidden from the perceived danger it may make her feel more secure.

If all else fails you will just have to accept that you have one of the Yorkie personalities like my, shake and quake.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for the help Melinda.

However, we took her outside yesterday for a while and then after a while when we took her back in the house she started to act normal again (eating, trying to get extra treats, barking at the kids walking by the front window, laying on her bed away from us), but this morning she was at it again and still is. She won't leave my side and jumps and our bed and runs circles diving under covers trying to hide from something. I understand what you are saying, but she does have to little scabs on he neck and back, so we want to have that checked out just to make sure there isn't something physically wrong like an infection or something that could cause her to act strange. I hope it is just a phase or part of her personality, but it is very odd right now. Thanks again for all the help.


I am glad you are going to take her to the vet.  Another possibility that I failed to mention is that she could have a brain tumor.  It is very rare but it can happen.  If you can, let me know what the vet thinks the problem is and how she is doing.