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Runt of the litter

20 10:55:38

Hi there, I just bought a baby sheltie, she will be 3 months old on Sept.27. Her mom had 8 pups, and she is the runt of the litter. I just got her on the 13th of this month. I bought her from a breeder and I started crate training her, I'm not sure if I am doing it right though. I take her out to eat, go to the bathroom, and play with. She has been doing good going to the bathroom outside. She sleeps with me at night, and doesn't get up at all. She is really small, only weighs 4lbs. I just want to make sure I am using the crate training method right. She is so delicate, I don't want her to be in the crate more then she should be. The first 2 days I had her I didn't use the crate and she kept peeing all over. Can you please give me some advice on crate training and how long to leave her in the crate? Thank You ...

Hi Chris!

It sounds like you are doing a great job.  Here is what I think you are asking:

How long should my pup stay in the crate at a time?
MAX is 8 hours.  Less is better if possible.  If you consistently have to be gone longer than 8 hours you should consider some kind of outdoor kennel setup.

The secrets to the crate are:
1) Be Consistent
2) no food or water in crate (chew bones ok!)and keep doing what you are doing with food/water and then making sure she potties outside
3) Be Consistent
4) just big enough for the dog to stretch out or curl up in a ball...  no extra space for a potty corner.
5) B Consistent
6) the crate is not to be punished, it is her own personal safe spot.

That's it.