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ear tipping

20 11:02:22

Can you please help me.  I have two shelties 9 weeks old. I am looking for Speed Sew for their ears. I am unable to find it. Would you know where I can order it. Also do you have a good source for visual instruction so I do them exactly correct.  thank you so much

Hi Pam!

While I love to have the perfect Sheltie, I don't take it to the point where the dog is uncomfortable.  My goal here is to help with particular aspects of the breed's behavior to promote better interactivity between owner and dog.  There are many techniques for ear tipping, not all that are what I would call nice.  I would be interested to know more about Speed Sew but have not been inclined to research it.

With that said, the first technique I'd use for tipping is with standard band-aids.  Go to the highest point on the ear.  Fold the bandaid where the sticky part is touching the outside of the tip and the inside of the tip, but the actual bandage is not touching the skin.  The bandage should be folded in half above the top portion of the tip of the ear where the gauze section of the bandaid hangs down.  This acts as a weight to pull the tips over.  Do this until they stay tipped by themselves.

The more drastic way is to use splints, gauze and tape.  I don't really think this is necessary- but it does work.

Placing udder cream lotion on the fold of the tip regularly helps soften the ear to get the techniques to work.

Sorry if that was not exactly what you asked for.  As far as diagrams you are welcome to web search this as there are many resources for Shelties online.  The good news is at 9 weeks you have a good chance of getting tipping to work with minimal effort.  The ones who wait until 9 months are just out of luck.
