Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > temperament PACK ORDER

temperament PACK ORDER

20 10:55:29

I have a one year old sheltie,she loves to play with my children but she will also show a nasty side by snarling her nose up and biting very hard. When it is time to go to bed if my daughter who is 10 wants to lay in my bed with me ( her mother) my dog ginger with lay on top of her pillow so she can't and growl and pick at her like she doesn't want her on the bed. I don't know what has caused this aggression behavior she passed two obedience classes with flying colors and suggestions.  Thank You.  Angela  

Ms. Lamont,

You have a tremendous problem.  The Sheltie does not recognize that your children as superior to her.  The Sheltie will bite these "lower ranked litter mates" if provoked.  

The good news is being one is a good age to learn this lesson and it isn't too late.

YOU must LITERALLY jump on that dog and grab her neck and shove her to the ground EVERY TIME she growls at children.  Bare your teeth and growl as mean as you can when you are holding her down.  YOU must make clear that the pack order is dog-is-below children.  

When you do the discipline grab firmly on the neck but not hard.   Be aware of the dog's teeth as you may not be in front in pack order either!  You are trying to dominate, not hurt the dog just like momma dog would.

Once you have done this consistently for about a week you should follow up with the children doing leash exercises as master with the dog. If the dog is responding well to the exercises then make the children responsible for feeding (DO ALL THESE under your close supervision).

Make sure you give attention, food, and any preference to the children before the Sheltie.  

It is not unusual for a dog to confuse pack order.  You just have to remedy this quickly and stay on it.  It requires a lot of careful application of discipline and love to straighten out this thinking.  However the Sheltie is a very intelligent breed and can learn quickly.
