Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > Food


20 10:55:32

My sheltie gets terrified when i cook lamb. He'll cry and want to get out. He won't go near the kitchen and sniffs around the house and keeps a watchful eye into the kitchen. This has happened a couple of times, only when lamb is cooked. Could you give me an explanation. They have dog food with lamb in it so maybe its the bread of dog and something to do with its heritage.


I've be stewing on your question to try to find any references to this behavior.  

My initial thought is that there is some kind of allergic response to the smell of the lamb or a particular spice you use when you cook it.

Try taking each individual spice and component including the lamb you use and let your Sheltie smell it (not eat it) to see if one of them is particularly offensive.

If that doesn't provoke a response, I'm inclined to "not disagree" with your speculation of the genetic desire to protect somehow influencing the reaction to the smell of lamb cooking.  The behavior of watching the kitchen versus avoiding the kitchen definitely ties into that hypothesis.  That said, it still sounds crazy!

I hope that helps!
